YMCA Exeter
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Church Partnerships

As a Christian organisation, we are pleased to both support and receive support from churches in our community.

With our missional and relational outlook and experience working with communities, we are ideally placed to act as a bridge between churches and their unchurched communities and as a catalyst to empower local churches to reach out to children and young people.


Working in partnership means we can provide:

  • Initial discussion about what our consultation would look like, gathering like-minded adults to chat about gaps in provision
  • Consultation with young people and parents about youth services
  • Tailored training e.g. Safeguarding, Child Sexual Exploitation, Risk Assessments
  • Ongoing support for adults and young people after the service is launched
  • Quarterly review of the service to ensure identified needs are met or new needs that arise.
  • Support and training around Social Media and Communications

Thank you so much for your time, encouragement and for sharing your expertise and experience. We so appreciate you giving up your valuable time to support us with Communications and Social Media.

You are part of an incredible, hard working organisation and we are  thrilled to see YMCA Exeter flourishing and expanding – what a contrast to our broken world!

-Liz Straw, ISCA Church

Current Mission Partners

Churches can partner with us in many ways, whether through prayer or financial support. Our current Mission Partners are:

Become a Mission Partner