We need your help. Could your business partner with YMCA Exeter and help reduce the number of children and young people waiting for support?  

Sponsor a therapist for a year: £31,500
In return, you’ll receive a complimentary table for ten at our gala dinner, advertising through press releases and social media, sponsorship plaque in wellbeing room

Sponsor a therapist for half a year: £15,750
In return, you’ll receive two seats at our gala dinner, and advertising through press releases and social media.

Sponsor a childs therapy course: £380
In return, you’ll receive advertising through press releases and social media.

Right now, children and young people in Devon are waiting on average 127 days to get mental health support. Our free service is inundated with referrals. Last year, YMCA Exeter received over 140 referrals for 5-18-year-olds struggling with low mood, anxiety and behavioural difficulties.  

YMCA Exeter employs three full-time practitioners, trained to work with children and young people on cognitive behavioural therapy techniques and goal-setting to build up emotional wellbeing and resilience in young people and their families. 

But this isn’t enough. Last year the free service had to close on two occasions to deal with the backlog of new cases.  

By choosing to sponsor a therapist for a year, your business would ensure over 20 children receive the direct intervention they need when they need it.  

Restoring Joy: Kirsty’s story

Kirsty, whose name has been changed, referred her 13-year-old son to YMCA Exeter’s free wellbeing service:

“I think as a parent, when your child is struggling, it’s hard to know where to start to get help and who to trust. But I knew of YMCA Exeter and felt happy that their team would be able to support my son.

“My son had mild anxiety for a while. But covid exasperated this. He missed a huge chunk of school and this had a negative effect on him. He was nervous about socialising and reluctant to leave the house.

“After the first session with Will, my son came out saying he “loved it!”

“Through the ten sessions, he has definitely built up his resilience and learnt anxiety-coping techniques that we can use when he is struggling.

“My son used to refuse to go into town but he will now do it.

“It was also good for me as a parent to realise it’s not a reflection on me. Sometimes it takes someone else to step in and help out.”

After ten sessions with Will, Kirsty’s son’s anxiety levels had dropped from 72 to 52. 13 points below the clinical threshold for support.

Could your business partner with YMCA Exeter and help reduce the number of children and young people waiting for support?

Contact Gareth

You can contact our Joint CEO in complete confidence and with absolutely no obligation.