YMCA Exeter
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Andy Mackay
3 July 2020

My experience in lockdown by Courtney Pickup

My experience in lockdown by Courtney Pickup

This month, we meet YMCA Exeter resident Courtney. Courtney is 20 years old and has written a blog about her experiences of lockdown.

Lockdown has been a very difficult time for me. In particular, my mental health got worse when I had to self-isolate due to showing symptoms of COVID-19. The way I personally dealt with this was by drawing, listening to music, and writing. Doing the things I loved really helped me cope with the deterioration of my mental health.

I managed to stay in contact with my family and friends but it’s difficult to stay in contact with everyone when you are so used to seeing them every day. For me, I hate change, I just have to think that once lockdown is over, I will be able to see my family and friends and we are all going to have the best time.

Being in lockdown has made me realise how many people are actually there for me. You find who your true friends are and what family members are there for you when you need them the most.

The YMCA has been amazing the last few weeks, helping with my asthma pumps, making sure I’m okay, and making me feel at home. They also arrange crafty or creative competitions that I enter with my friends to keep me distracted.

I have brilliant friends in here that have supported me through thick and thin and I am incredibly grateful.

Listen to more of Courtney’s experiences recorded for an interview with BBC Radio Devon in May 2020.

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