YMCA Exeter
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Youth & Family Work

Our team of Youth Workers, Community Workers and Family Workers are here to support you.

Welcome to our Youth and Family Services!

We want all children and young people to reach their full potential and experience fullness of life in body, mind and spirit. We provide safe spaces where they feel valued and we equip them and their families with the tools they need to thrive.

We run weekly Youth Clubs in Broadclyst village (Thursday evenings) and Westclyst (Tuesday Evenings). We also look forward to expanding our work into the Tithebarn community soon- watch this space.

Our Young Families Workers in Exwick and Newcourt help families find community and connection through group and 1-2-1 support. More details can be found below.

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Whats On

Messy Church is a family friendly activity based way of doing church. Exwick Messy Church usually meets in Exwick Parish Hall on the 2nd Sunday of the month between 4-6pm and includes a free cooked meal.

Friday Friendship – Friday Friendship currently meet on Fridays (Usually Fridays during term times) between 10-12 at Exwick Parish Hall. Refreshments for all and toys and activities for children aged 0-5 years old. Friday Friendship is free to attend and welcomes all ages.

Young Families Workers who can help support individuals in the local area. If you would like to see if we can help please get in touch.

To find out more about any of our community activities in Exwick contact Harri Sharp, Chris Carter or Debbie Carter by emailing office@ymcaexeter.org.uk.

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Thursdays @ Broadclyst Pavilions

4:30pm – 6pm for School Years 7-8

6:30pm – 8pm for School Years 9-13

Holly Close, Broadclyst, Exeter EX5 3JB

Please follow our Youth Instagram account, for details of when the activities will be and when you can join in.

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Tuesdays @ Westclyst 

4:30 – 6pm. Meeting in the Skate Park – Look out for the pink t-shirts!

We are currently looking for a permanent home for this youthclub, please get in touch with Becky using the below contact details, if you’d like to talk through ideas.

Please follow our Youth Instagram account, for details of when the activities will be and when you can join in.

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Toddler Groups

Tuesdays and Wednesday: 10-11:30am at Newcourt Community Centre

Term time only. £1 a family.

Messy Church

Once a month on a Sunday afternoon- for more details see https://www.trinityexeter.com/

Trinity Begin Well Antenatal classes

Our next Begin Well programme is starting in February 2025 and happens on a Tuesday evening at Newcourt Community Centre. To sign up head to: Our Courses | Begin Well

Other Support

We also provide bespoke support for families on subjects such as sleep, toileting and SEND – get in touch to find out more.

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The number of children struggling to engage in education and remain in class is on the increase. In Devon, according to recent data from Devon County Council, more than one in every three secondary school pupils is persistently absent from school.

To help combat this, we are excited to be part of The Family Minds Partnership, a group of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations working alongside each other to better improve mental health support for children, young people and their families across Devon.

Our forest school team is delivering weekly forest school sessions especially designed for children and young people struggling to engage in education at Thomas Hall School in Exeter and Honiton Community College.

From cooking over fires to learning how to work with wood, the feedback from the young people has been wonderful. We can’t use their names, but we can share what they’ve said.

“Makes me feel better about school, knowing that at the end of the week I get to go to Forest School with YMCA Exeter. I’ve really enjoyed learning how to fire light. Makes me feel good about myself.”
“Makes me want to come to school. I’d stay out here all day if I could.”

“Gives me freedom from home, getting me out of the house. Especially when we’ve cooked pancakes over the fire, as I hadn’t had breakfast.”

Please continue to pray for this incredible new initiative and we look forward to sharing more stories soon.

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"Coming to Friday Friendship has massively helped me. It’s somewhere to go out of the house, to chat and have a drink. It’s easy to be isolated as a single mum but the support from Harri and Debbie, and the other mums, has been great."


We’re proud to be supporting children, young people and parents all year round.


Famillies supported across our Youth and Family Work

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Interview with Rachel Davey, YMCA Exeter Youth Club Alumni.'s Story

Interview with Rachel Davey, YMCA Exeter Youth Club Alumni.


At age 12, Rachel Davey moved to the rural village of Broadclyst and discovered YMCA Exeter’s Youth Club, almost literally, right on her doorstep!

Now 18 years old, Rachel kindly met with us to chat about how YMCA Exeter has supported her. We take her to Exeter’s Chococo Café – after six years at Youth Club, we know she is a big fan of hot chocolate!

Read the full interview with Rachel here

Get In Touch

Becky Merriman

Shannon Partridge

Debbie Carter


Chris Carter

Harri Sharp

Rebecca Prior

Emma Mitchell