As a resident of YMCA Exeter, in this section you will find information and tools to help make the most out of your accommodation.
As a resident of YMCA Exeter, in this section you will find information about:
If you have any questions about your rent and making payments, you can talk to your support worker, or tenancy officer, who will guide you through the process.
Find the resident rent portal, the rent calculator, and other tools to help you manage your rent.
Have you seen something wrong with your accommodation? Report it straight to their desk here.
Find our Internet Uptime tool, to see how we see your internet behaving.
We use an app called Mighty Networks to inform, and keep our residents upto date with all the information within the YMCA Exeter community.
Our podcast where Andy and Lydia sit down, have a coffee, and talk about navigating life.
Are you changing your income and want to know what the impact might be on your Universal Credit?